Ely Legion Hall Dedication Held in 1955

Marion Sentinel June 30, 1955

About 300 people attended the dedication of the American Legion Memorial Building of St. Quentin Post No. 515 at Ely Sunday, June 26. The program included an organ prelude by Don Heath of Cedar Rapids; Advancement of Colors and the singing of the Star Spangled Banner; invocation by Rev. H. J. Lee, a song by the Ely men’s chorus; introduction of distinguished guests by Edward Kopp, master of ceremonies; greetings from Robert Spooner, district Legion commander; and Mrs. Robert Spooner, district auxiliary president; presentation of corsages to three auxiliary members of the building committee by Mrs: Don Dolezal, Ely auxiliary President.

Those honored were Mrs. Raymond Truhlar, Mrs. Ed Vavra, and Mrs. Lumir Biderman. Don Johnson, past department commander from West Branch, spoke on the work of the Crusade for Europe. Norma Rigel and Jim Louis from Cedar Rapids sang, “The Indian Love Call.” Don Dolezal, commander of the post and Ed Vavra acting as chaplain then dedicated the building to the objects of the unit and post and dedicated the members to the faithful service of our nation, and to the memory of our heroic dead.

Following this Norma Rigel sang, “Bless This House,” the chorus sang Taps, the colors were retired and Rev. H. J. Lee gave the benediction. The crowd then adjourned to the social rooms in the basement where the Auxiliary officers served refreshments.

The stage was decorated with flowers sent by the Vavra Lumber Yard, Biderman’s Hardware, the F. J. Krobs from Ely and from the Falstaff Company, the Farm Service Company and Stejskal’s Florists from Cedar Rapids.

Wayne Schoff from Lisbon was contractor for the new building which will cost between $25,000 and $30,000. Joe Skripsky did the wiring and Frank Shonka installed the heating plant. The 80 members of the Legion post and 89 members of the auxiliary unit are to be congratulated upon the completion of their new home.


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